Thursday, January 3, 2013

Has it really been that long?

A few days ago, my youngest turned 20 mo. I can't believe he's so close to turning two! In my mind, I'm still in baby phase. Not infant phase, but he's still my baby.

With a 20 mo. old, that also means I've been donating for over a year and a half! That's truly exciting on it's own! I first donated to a local mom while I waited for paperwork to go through with the milk bank. Then, it was 10 mo. with the milk bank starting from when my youngest was 2 mo. old. I continued to donate to the local mama as long as she needed it. When my baby was a year old, I stopped donating to the milk bank (since they give to premature babies and those in the NICU, they don't use mature milk) and began seeking out other local moms that were in need of milk. Through various channels, I found several and have continued my milk donation journey.

To date, I have donated over 4700 oz. to the milk bank and over 2200 oz. to local mamas. Granted, that's no Guinness Record, but I'm sure the recipient babies don't mind. As a result of donation, I've gained 5 "milk children"  from local donations and countless anonymous ones via the Milk Bank.

I love being able to help babies in need when I've been blessed with a good supply. I'll keep on going as long as I can. I have no idea when the journey will end and when my little one will wean, but the day will come. It certainly is sad, but I hope through all of this, I've been able to inspire others to donate or at least spread the word about donation so more babies can benefit.

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