Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Cookies and Milk

I recently received an unexpected surprise. A sweet mama by the name of Kathryn contacted me after seeing my milk donation page, Life Saving Milk, on Facebook and told me about the lactation cookies she makes and wanted to know if I was interested in trying them out. I was thrilled! Many breastfeeding mamas are familiar with lactation cookies, especially if supply has been a problem and they are seeking ways to give it a boost. While the cookies don't make guarantees or medical claims, it's often an easy thing to add to your diet (after all, who doesn't like cookies?) that may help give your supply that little boost it needs.

Kathryn runs a small home-based business, Mason's Milk and Mommy's Cookies, making lactation cookies which she started making for a friend who had supply issues. Kathryn is a milk donor herself. One thing she has made sure to do is make cookies available for mamas (and their babies) that may have food allergies or sensitivities as she and her friend both have certain restrictions in their diets for their little ones. Read more about her story here. She also runs and maintains a Facebook page with the same name as her business.

It is very difficult to decide which variety to choose as she offers over 20 varieties of cookies! Many of these varieties are available free of allergens (as needed) and organic whenever possible (this is slightly restricted if allergies are a concern). Comparatively, Mason's Milk cookies are priced significantly lower than some popular commercial brands and according to Kathryn, contain far more galactagogues (supplements, often in the form of herbs and seeds, that may boost milk supply). While certain galactagogues may work individually, many mamas find that they work better in combination with others (of course, it's always a good idea to check with a lactation consultant or health care provider to see if any of these should be avoided should you have any medical conditions that cause them to be contraindicated). Kathryn also offers a dry mix in addition to all the premade cookies so you can make some up yourself.

I decided on the American cookies (blueberries, white chocolate chips, and cranberries) and received them  a few days after they'd been shipped out and I was pleasantly surprised at the speed of delivery. As recommended, I transferred the bag of cookies to a zip top bag to maintain freshness. I forgot about the recommended schedule for the cookies, which is available on the website, and went to munching. They were delicious! Certainly difficult to maintain the one cookie a day (after the first couple of days) recommendation. What can I say, they are yummy and I have no self control.

After my limited exposure (and my slip-up on the consumption schedule) it's hard to say if they helped boost my supply. It was also that time of the month and I, like many women, experienced a dip in supply so sadly, it was a bad time to judge that. I suppose I'll have to think about getting more cookies.

For the most part though, for a breastfeeding mom with supply issues, one that wants to boost supply for donating, or really, any mom that wants a good excuse to eat tasty cookies, I'd definitely say check them out.  Use caution though, as I mentioned before, certain galactagogues can be contraindicated so be sure what you are getting. Also, if donating to a milk bank, they may have restrictions about consumption of supply boosting supplements so be upfront with them about what you are taking, even in the form of cookies or teas. Happy munching!

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